
Fractures of the Ribs


Fractures of the Ribs The bones in our body are particularly vulnerable to injury and can break when the trauma is sufficiently forceful. The ribs are the bones that cover the thorax and protect the heart and the lungs. Unfortunately, under certain circumstances, the ribs may fracture. In this article we shall briefly review rib [...]

Fractures of the Ribs2023-08-04T17:48:30+00:00

Tension Cephalgia


What is Tension Cephalgia? Tension cephalgia refers to a form of headache. It is often related to spasm of the muscles in the neck and of the scalp. Sometimes, certain trigger points in the shoulders and in the neck can get stimulated and can also cause headache. Tension cephalgia can occur due to a variety [...]

Tension Cephalgia2023-08-04T17:48:31+00:00

Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy


What is Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy? Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, also known as Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, is a condition characterized by pain, swelling and alteration in the function of blood vessels at the extremities of the body in response to an injury. Reflex sympathetic dystrophy is a rare but painful condition. Early treatment through physical therapy [...]

Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy2023-08-04T17:48:31+00:00

Postherpetic Neuralgia


What is Postherpetic Neuralgia? Postherpetic neuralgia refers to a clinical condition characterized by nerve pain that is caused following an attack of shingles. It usually occurs a few months after an attack of shingles and can cause tremendous discomfort to the patient. It is often seen in patients over the age of 60 years. What [...]

Postherpetic Neuralgia2023-08-04T17:48:31+00:00

Phantom Limb Pain


What is Phantom Limb Pain? Phantom limb pain is pain that occurs in the limb that is undergone amputation. Following amputation of a limb, patients may continue to feel like they're limb still exists and that it is painful. While the pain itself is not very severe, it can be rather distracting and distressing. What [...]

Phantom Limb Pain2023-08-04T17:48:31+00:00

Peripheral Neuropathy


What is Peripheral Neuropathy? Peripheral neuropathy is a term that is used to describe damage to the peripheral nervous system. The peripheral nervous system includes nerves that control sensation, muscle function and regulation of certain vital functions, such as heart rate and blood pressure. Damage to the peripheral nervous system can occur due to a [...]

Peripheral Neuropathy2023-08-04T17:48:31+00:00

Myofascial Pain Due to Trigger Points


What is Myofascial Pain due to Trigger Points? Myofascial pain due to trigger points is a condition that occurs when small areas in the muscle or fascia, called myofascial trigger points, generate pain. If the trigger points cause muscle strain or pain, it can become a condition called myofascial pain syndrome. What causes Myofascial Pain [...]

Myofascial Pain Due to Trigger Points2023-08-04T17:48:30+00:00

Ilioinguinal or Genitofemoral Neuralgia


What is Ilioinguinal or Genitofemoral Neuralgia? Damage to the ilioinguinal nerves or genitofemoral nerves results in pain in the groin area, along the distribution of these nerves. In other words, the pain occurs in the areas that are supplied by these nerves. This pain is called neuralgia. What are the Ilioinguinal and Genitofemoral Nerves? The [...]

Ilioinguinal or Genitofemoral Neuralgia2023-08-04T17:48:30+00:00

Failed Back and Neck Surgery Syndromes


What are Failed Back and Neck Surgery Syndromes? Failed Back Surgery Syndrome or Failed Neck Surgery Syndrome are the terms used to describe pain that starts or persists after a back or neck procedure. Neither of these terms refer to actual syndromes, but the word syndrome is commonly used to refer to the condition of [...]

Failed Back and Neck Surgery Syndromes2023-08-04T17:48:29+00:00



The thorax is composed of ribs, the sternum (breast bone), cartilaginous tissue and the vertebral column. At the junction of the ribs with the breast bone is cartilage that can sometimes become inflamed and painful. This condition is known as costochondritis. In this article, we shall briefly review this condition and talk about how it [...]

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