
How Successful Is Artificial Disc Replacement?


It's very successful because it still maintains motion at the individual disc level. So if you take part of the disc out or the entire disc out, you can stabilize the spine at that level with an implant that actually moves, maintaining motion. This means the patient benefits from maintained motion and also experiences [...]

How Successful Is Artificial Disc Replacement?2024-09-13T18:36:06+00:00

Artifical Disc Replacement


Artificial disc replacement (ADR) has revolutionized the treatment of chronic back pain caused by degenerative disc disease (DDD). For many patients, ADR offers a promising alternative to traditional spinal fusion surgery, preserving natural motion and potentially reducing the risk of future spinal issues. This blog explores what artificial disc replacement is, the procedure, benefits, [...]

Artifical Disc Replacement2024-09-04T19:25:30+00:00

How Long Does an Artificial Disc Replacement Last?


At this point, I have not had to revise a cervical or lumbar disc replacement due to wear and tear, and it's been over 20 years. The chance of a spinal disc replacement wearing out is much lower compared to a total knee or hip replacement. This is because the forces on the spine [...]

How Long Does an Artificial Disc Replacement Last?2024-09-13T20:56:18+00:00

3 Regenerative Treatments for Your Spinal Condition


Living with a degenerative spine condition can be tough. It can severely limit your ability to move around and can be the cause of severe back pain. You have either experienced this condition yourself or you know someone who currently suffers from back pain. For most of us, the pain will eventually subside without any [...]

3 Regenerative Treatments for Your Spinal Condition2020-04-28T17:52:16+00:00

10 Tips for Improved Posture from a Spine Doctor: Part 2


Some people believe good posture is something you’re either born with or you’re not. However, though genetics do play a role, your everyday habits tend to play an even more significant one. In Part 1 of this guide, we developed an overview of mindsets and practices that will start you down the road to improving [...]

10 Tips for Improved Posture from a Spine Doctor: Part 22020-03-30T13:47:42+00:00

10 Tips for Improved Posture from a Spine Doctor: Part 1


We all have heard that good posture is essential for our health and wellbeing, while bad posture can lead to all sorts of difficulties — from chronic lower back pain to degenerative spine disease. Correct posture isn’t just a matter of “you have it or you don’t.” With a little bit of practice, everyone can [...]

10 Tips for Improved Posture from a Spine Doctor: Part 12020-03-23T13:56:06+00:00

COVID-19 Update From the Center for Spine Care


Just because there is the added health risk of COVID-19 in our lives, it doesn’t mean that your back pain will magically go away. People still require spine treatment, physical therapy, and other solutions for neck and spine pain. Center for Spine Care has served the DFW community for over 20 years, and we will [...]

COVID-19 Update From the Center for Spine Care2020-03-19T19:30:27+00:00

When To Visit a Spine Doctor


Though most of us experience acute lower back pain from time to time, sometimes an episode of lower back pain can call for a visit to your local spine doctor. Before visiting a spine doctor, you may want to start by meeting up with your general practitioner. Based on their assessment, they may recommend you [...]

When To Visit a Spine Doctor2020-02-27T18:55:08+00:00

Most Common Spine Disorders


Learning that you have a spine disorder can be somewhat frightening. How serious is it? How will it affect you? What are your options for treating it? Instead of just guessing at these questions, use this guide to understand the prognosis and possible treatment options for different kinds of spine disorders. If you have been [...]

Most Common Spine Disorders2020-01-28T20:31:15+00:00
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